Macular Degeneration Treatment

Preserving Vision: Macular Degeneration Treatment at Associated Eye Care

Macular degeneration, a condition affecting the central retinal tissue called the macula, poses a threat to clear vision and fine detail perception. This ailment leads to a gradual breakdown of the macula, resulting in diminished central vision and impairing both near and distant sight. With its frequency increasing significantly after age 60, macular degeneration demands our attention.

Unveiling the Types of Macular Degeneration:

There are two primary forms: "dry" (atrophic) and "wet" (exudative). Dry macular degeneration stems from the natural degeneration of retinal tissue due to aging. It is known as AMD or ARMD, and approximately 10% of the population will develop it. Vision loss in this type tends to be gradual.

Wet macular degeneration, however, entails the growth of abnormal blood vessels behind the macula, leading to leakage and rapid, severe vision loss. Although less common, wet AMD is responsible for 90% of severe visual impairment associated with macular degeneration.

A Multifaceted Approach to Treatment:

Macular degeneration necessitates a nuanced approach. The AREDS vitamin formula has shown promise in reducing AMD severity and can be purchased over the counter. For wet AMD, early intervention is key. Treatment options include thermal laser, cold laser, and intraocular drug therapy. Associated Eye Care is proud to offer Lucentis (ranibizumab), an FDA-approved drug that combats macular degeneration by inhibiting new blood vessel growth, potentially halting or reversing its effects.

Defining Treatment Success:

Treatment success centers on maintaining a patient's current vision level. Although some improvement has been observed with wet AMD treatment, the primary goal is halting vision loss.

Preventing and Detecting Macular Degeneration:

While prevention is challenging, AREDS vitamin therapy is beneficial. Daily use of the Amsler Grid aids in identifying early visual distortion related to wet AMD. Regular eye exams after age 60 are crucial for detecting and addressing age-related vision issues promptly.

At Associated Eye Care, our commitment to macular degeneration treatment encompasses early intervention, personalized care, and the latest advancements. Trust us to stand by your side, preserving your treasured gift of sight.

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